Modern day Ndabaga

There is this story in my culture that is close to my heart.

Once upon a time, there was a couple that had a daughter named Ndabaga. Men in that time were required to work in the service of the king, and were to be replaced by their sons. Growing up,Ndabaga learned of her father’s situation of perpetual service to the King and became determined to be as strong and adept at male skills as any of the young men in the Kingdom. She succeeds not only in her abilities but also in her disguise, which included the pressing down of her breasts. Ndabaga then goes to the king’s residence, finds her father on her own, and offers herself as her father’s replacement. The father, though very against her ruse, decides to take Ndabaga to the king.

Now serving as her father’s replacement, Ndabaga, having achieved boys’ skills to such high degrees, impresses the king to the extent that he asks her to be a leader in his camp. Some of the men become jealous and suspect that Ndabaga is actually not a man and ultimately report to the King their suspicion. The King decides to see if Ndabaga is indeed a man or not. He challenges challenges Ndabaga but can no one is able throw her down. Finally, he asks her straight out whether she his a man or not. Ndabaga confesses that she is actually a girl but that she did all this to replace her father and to release her mother of her shame. The King is impressed, marries Ndabaga, and releases all men from his camp who are in his perpetual service.

Reasons, why I love this story ,are :

One, it’s about a girl. There are not many good stories out there.

Two, it’s about the history of my land
Three, it’s a love story.

Four: kingdoms and family responsibility

Anyway, my point in telling the story was to point out a few things. One about our work here on this earth.

Wes Moore, explained it better in his speech “your job and your work” at UCLA Super Soul Sessions. ( Iconic TV personality Oprah Winfrey hosts this series that has spiritual leaders and luminaries sharing their thoughts to help raise the collective consciousness)

Wes Moore is the CEO of Robin Hood, the largest anti-poverty nonprofit in New York City.
He mentiones three things : identifying, calcifying and unifying.
1. Identify
Identify that one thing that makes your heart beat faster.

Someone could give you the most heart warming speech about something that is important to them, if it does not make your heart beat faster. It’s not your work.

If they say let visit a children’s home, if it doesn’t make your heart beat faster, it does not mean you are a monster. It just means it’s not your work. Your work is very personal. It’s not about the issue of the day, it’s the issue of your life.

2. Calcify

The goal is not to start something, the goal is to end something. This does not mean founding something.

We don’t need 100,000 organisations for domestic violence. We need the work done. People passionate, working on it.

I mean we need actually work, my dear millenials. Not out bios and hashtags. Real work on the ground.


Make sure the people you are trying to help are part of the conversation. Or as Wes Moore said ” your altruism will be seen as paternalism”

The story of Ndabaga clearly shows these three things. Get involved in things that you make your heart move faster. Calcify it!! Calcify it , my people! And make sure to unify it. It’s not about you. It’s about the people. Involve the people.

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